The Rhyming Game
Think of a word, then think of a rhyming word and a clue. Then ask: What rhymes with (give the rhyming word) and (give the clue). For example: What rhymes with “hand” and makes music? The answer is “BAND”! If they don’t guess after the first clue, you can give more clues.
Where Am I Going?
The player who is “it” chooses a destination. The rest of the players then take turns asking questions until they guess where “it” is going. The questions must have YES, NO, or SOMETIMES answers, such as: Is it a real place? Is it cold? Have you ever been there? When the answer is NO, the next person begins asking questions. When the answer is YES or SOMETIMES, the player who asked the question gets to ask another and “it” must give a clue by naming an item that would likely be packed for such a trip. (Skis? A bathing suit? A bale of hay?) Play continues until someone guesses the destination.
Road Letters
Write down the first eight letters of the alphabet – A through H. Then look for the letters on license plates and road signs. When you spot one of the letters cross it out. The first person to find all 8 letters is the winner. You can play this game with numbers 2 through 9 instead of letters.
Road Scrabble
Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper. The left side is for license plate letters, the right side is for your word list. All players write down the letters they see on license plates only. (No road signs this time). As
soon as you can spell a word with two or more letters, add it to the word list on the right side of the page. Collect as many letters as you need to keep building more words. You can use the same letters over and over. After 10 minutes (or any time limit you choose), the person with the most words in their word list is the winner.